Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The most important 7 tips to prevent corona virus

How to protect yourself from the Corona virus

The world is witnessing a great concern about the deadly Corona virus, as its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of cold and influenza, and it began to appear in many countries of the world such as France, Japan and Australia, and it is no longer limited only to China, the country in which it appeared recently.

Top 7 Prevention Tips for Corona Virus

1- Avoid contact with people with symptoms similar to colds and pneumonia.
2- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
3- Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
4- Staying home and not going out if she has cold symptoms.
5- Avoid close contact with others, such as cuddles and kisses.
6- Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when you sneeze or cough.
7- Cleansing surfaces, vegetables and fruits well, and paying attention to hygiene.

It is noteworthy that the Chinese authorities deployed military doctors and closed more cities to limit the spread of the new Corona virus with the emergence of reports of hospitals in the outbreak that are struggling to cope with the increasing number of patients, and new cases have been reported in the United States, Europe, Australia and Malaysia, where the virus is now On four continents.

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The most important 7 tips to prevent corona virus
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